
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.


Mother Goose Utrecht

Mother Goose Hotel Utrecht, Netherlands

There are some hotels that are over the top luxurious and fancy, but definitely feel formal like a hotel. Then there are hotels that feel approachable and friendly, so cozy and comfortable that you want to move right in and never leave. That is how the Mother Goose Hotel is. Luxurious, but in a homey way. Beautiful, clean, unique and just the right amount of quirky.

Mother Goose Hotel Utrecht, Netherlands

Housed in a building that dates back to the 14th century, the Mother Goose Hotel opened in 2014.

The location is perfect, right on the Ganzenmarkt (lending inspiration for the name, Mother Goose). The employees are welcoming and friendly. The lobby is tiny, but filled with character.

Each of the 4 floors of the hotel has a different color scheme: white, grey, brown and black. I’m a sucker for all white, so requested to be on the white floor. The White Goose Suite is absolutely gorgeous, with am amazing view of the Dom Tower from the huge windows.

I really wish I could have stay here longer. The room was so inviting, it was hard to leave. If you find yourself in Utrecht, the Mother Goose Hotel should be at the top of your list!

Mother Goose Hotel Utrecht, NetherlandsMother Goose Hotel Utrecht, NetherlandsMother Goose Hotel Utrecht, NetherlandsMother Goose Hotel Utrecht, NetherlandsMother Goose Hotel Utrecht, NetherlandsMother Goose Hotel Utrecht, NetherlandsMother Goose Hotel Utrecht, NetherlandsMother Goose Hotel Utrecht, NetherlandsMother Goose Hotel Utrecht, NetherlandsMother Goose Hotel Utrecht, Netherlands


Check the latest prices for The Morther Goose Hotel on:  Booking  |  |  Agoda

Read reviews for The Morther Goose Hotel on:  TripAdvisor

Don’t miss the rest of my suggestions for A Weekend in Utrecht.

Read more posts about The Netherlands.


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